How we Teach?

Excellence in Academics
Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any institution. The school planner for the various activities, events and examination schedules parallel with the syllabus planners upholds the school curriculum to the global echelons.
Overall development is our key focus and every child is actively engaged by our educators in the learning process. At GGS we provide an atmosphere to unleash their inherent potential and the learners are nurtured to be creative and inquisitive, rather than imposing academic burden on the learners.
While attaining academic excellence is our major thrust, our educators are also dedicated to prepare our learners to face real life challenges in future. We encourage each child to excel in their area of interest and aptitude thereby giving them the opportunity to develop and showcase their skills and talent across different disciplines. They are constantly groomed to be more mature and responsible citizens’ of the society.
Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning: ~ Paulo Friere
Continuous learning is a process which is encircled by our attitude to learn, sharing of academic curiosity and knowledge levels. Our educators are on the toes to impart learning with different methods of teaching. Gajera Global School believes that children must be taught ‘how to think, not what to think’. The time they spend in premises should be a continuous learning process. Learners are not empty vessels to be filled with expert knowledge. They must build their own understanding through experiential learning and this could only be possible when we follow the right Pedagogy.